Otsing leidis 5 vastet

Postitas jemsport
16 Mär 2004, 19:27
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Rally Cars for Hire!
Vastuseid: 0
Vaatamisi: 3696

Rally Cars for Hire!

Just a quick note to say that any drivers out there interested in hiring either S1600 or Ford Focus WRC02 (flipper gear change) should email me if possible. I'm running the Motorsport side of things for ProSpeed Motorsport (who also run Olly Marshall in the JWRC), and we have a number of cars availa...
Postitas jemsport
23 Sept 2003, 15:50
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Jonny Milner webchat...
Vastuseid: 4
Vaatamisi: 5752

Hi Frank,

My brain isn't working at the moment, so all I can say is that it is 8pm UK time!
Postitas jemsport
17 Sept 2003, 18:34
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Jonny Milner webchat...
Vastuseid: 4
Vaatamisi: 5752

Jonny Milner webchat...

Pirelli British Rally Champion's Jonny Milner and Nicky Beech will be answering questions on the Internet next Thursday (25th September) on the official BRC championship website - www.brcweb.co.uk Sports fans are invited to join the Team Dynamics Toyota duo from 8pm onwards on the night, although qu...
Postitas jemsport
27 Juun 2003, 15:34
Foorum: Forum in English
Vastuseid: 5
Vaatamisi: 9230


Yes, it was a great result. Hopefully the first of many...

Nice work Mr. M! :D
Postitas jemsport
13 Veebr 2003, 15:01
Foorum: Forum in English
Teema: Nice work Annie...
Vastuseid: 11
Vaatamisi: 10194

Nice work Annie...

Keep up the nice work....

I'll keep checking..... :D