Meeskonnad testiradadel

Maailma rallitippude käekäigust

Moderaatorid: Jaanus, KAIKUL, Strike, Erki, jagr

Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 3012
Liitunud: 17 Veebr 2003, 13:45
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas Frank »

Lärri kirjutas:Tüüpide kehakeelt sealt fotolt tõlkides: Sinisärk Y: "*****, sa saad aru kuidas see nüüd ära tuli?!" Sinisärk X:"Krt, ei saa, noh. Ma tegelt ei teadnudki, et see üldse ära käib!"
Tegu on uue tehnoloogiaga - autonoomselt tegutsev tagasild
"Come on, you can see more than that"
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 5084
Liitunud: 21 Jaan 2015, 19:26
Has thanked: 12
Meeldimisi saanud: 22

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas CTR »

mis seal muud ikka.. volkaril roostetas lihtsalt tagasild alt ära
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 3574
Liitunud: 13 Veebr 2006, 17:08
Meeldimisi saanud: 1

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas -huviline2- » ... ting-crash

Väidetavalt siis kestvustestiga oli tegu ning katkine auto oligi eesmärk. Anti hagu teel, mida kasutatakse ka kestvussõitude autosid ehitades, palju hullem, kui Acropolise katsed. Juhtus neljandal testipäeval, kui sõlmed olid juba mitu korda rohkem vatti saanud, kui ametlik hoolduskava ette näeb.

Muidugi ei tundu loogilisena, et selline jutt avaldatakse peale seda, kui juhuslik piltnik on pildid naljakalt purunenud autost ülesse laadinud. :P
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1199
Liitunud: 17 Dets 2014, 18:35

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas Vahula »

Tidemand tundub et on Hispaanias Pologa rajal.

Teades kui pommikindel WRC oli siis arvatavasti ikka on see jutt õige et prooviti auto hävitada.
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1282
Liitunud: 03 Apr 2009, 16:21
Asukoht: Raasiku

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas maailmameister »

"If you're in a hurry there's no time to lift." Ott Tänak, Rally Poland 2016
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1342
Liitunud: 30 Jaan 2009, 11:07
Asukoht: Pärnu

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas Dubber »

maailmameister kirjutas:Ott testib Portugalis.
Täiesti *****s teed ikka. Türgis saab ilge loterii olema. Võitjaks tuleb vist see, kes tegelikult on kõige aeglasem. Võiks täiesti tagaotsa meestele panustada.
Tehtud! Ott ja Martin on WRC meistrid!
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 3574
Liitunud: 13 Veebr 2006, 17:08
Meeldimisi saanud: 1

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas -huviline2- »

Portugal ei asunud Türgis viimati...
Eks nad ürita võimalikult ligilähedasi tingimusi saada testiks, ent Türgiski pidi päris häid (puhtaid) katseid ka olema.
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1282
Liitunud: 03 Apr 2009, 16:21
Asukoht: Raasiku

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas maailmameister »

"If you're in a hurry there's no time to lift." Ott Tänak, Rally Poland 2016
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1342
Liitunud: 30 Jaan 2009, 11:07
Asukoht: Pärnu

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas Dubber »

-huviline2- kirjutas:Portugal ei asunud Türgis viimati...
Eks nad ürita võimalikult ligilähedasi tingimusi saada testiks, ent Türgiski pidi päris häid (puhtaid) katseid ka olema.
Vaadates ka Fordi testi videosid Kreekas, lasevad samalaadseid kivihunnikuid pidi. Seega on testimiseks väga karmid olud valitud... oli minu postituse mõte ... ju siis on ka Türgis samalaadseid olusid oodata.
Tehtud! Ott ja Martin on WRC meistrid!
Postitusi: 19363
Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2003, 12:43
Asukoht: Seal kus lõpeb asfalt
Has thanked: 3
Meeldimisi saanud: 22

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas Kolin »

Vaatasin neid testi videoid. Märkasin, et ka Ogier kasutas testidel vana aero paketti. Ei tea kas seda uut ei saadutki tööle korralikult
Man and machine against mother nature!!!
"I kneel only to god, But I don't see him here"John Abruzzi
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 3574
Liitunud: 13 Veebr 2006, 17:08
Meeldimisi saanud: 1

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas -huviline2- »

Ju esialgu ei panda järgmisele kerele jah. Muidu pidid Saksas juba kõigil olema. Aga kas Sachsid või Reigerid?
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Postitusi: 744
Liitunud: 12 Nov 2011, 17:53
Meeldimisi saanud: 1

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas pelmeen10 »

rahvusvahelisest foorumist, GT tõlge ... syzitiseis
he will use Sachs at Turkey while ''we are not at the level i want'' and confirmed his talkings with citroen.

after many years, our country has been a testing ground for a World Rally Championship team. On the occasion of the harsh, as expected, Turkey's Rally, M-Sport decided to come to our country to try the Ford Fiesta for the next round of the WRC, with the team of Loris Meletopoulos being responsible for the organization. The British team kicked off the testing program on Monday with Elfyn Evans, and yesterday Fiesta's basketball team found the 5-time World Champion Sebastien Ogier. Yesterday he drove to Karoutes, and today he was in the known cd. Reggini. As we have learned, the M-Sport team is not just preparing for the Rally of Turkey, since it has been testing solutions for hard earth struggles in general. At one of the 5th World Champion's breaks, we had the opportunity to talk to him about today and his next day at the WRC in a conversation that proved to be extremely interesting!

Calm and cheerful, the French showed to enjoy the moments passing through our country, as well as the presence of several Greeks who came to enjoy it. However, Ogier is in our country to work in view of the difficult continuity of the last series of matches that will judge the Champion. "Tests are evolving very well! The conditions in Greece are very tough, but that's what we wanted. They are areas where we are not strong enough this year and that's why we have a lot of work to do in front of us. We have found some things that do not know if they will help us in Turkey and if we can use them, but we certainly have some solutions. "The Turkey Rally is unknown to everyone, something Ogier says will be a challenge for drivers. "This factor will be a challenge for all of us. It's a whole new fight, something we have not been accustomed to in recent years. It will be demanding for everyone. The notes will be very important, since it will have some very difficult and strange pieces. "But he and Julien Ingrassia are probably the most experienced combination in the institution, which is expected to be an asset to themselves. "Surely, experience will be an important element. In our days, most drivers use and work very hard with the video, watching specials from previous years. But this time this will not be the case. This will make it even harder for some. You have to rely on your sense and judgment during recognition. And I personally like this because this is the races! No, learn a video specialist and drive. As I said before, it will be a great challenge for all, and certainly experience will be a great help for us. "

One of the favorite themes of recent weeks is Fiesta's new aerodynamic aids, which as Seb told us will not use in Turkey! "No, in Turkey we will not use them. The rules require you to use the body to which they are placed. Besides, the race is slow, with tight turns and we do not think it will help us. "And the suspension? Will she choose Sachs or Reiger? "I work with Sachs, and although we are not where we want, I will also use it in Turkey." With four remaining games, Ogier remains in the title but from a different position. For the first time since 2013, the French must catch up and not protect it as he had been used to before. How strange is this for him? "It's a totally different situation and it's exciting! The only positive thing about this is that until recently we started a dirt race and knew from the outset that we would have a handicap opening the way for the rest. Something very difficult, which we no longer face. Of course, starting today from second place, it is not easy to win, since behind the back starts a series of drivers that are extremely fast and capable of the best. But the one you fight for the title is in front of you and has a greater drawback. So the feeling is good. On the other hand we know that we have no room for another bad result. We need to combine speed and credibility by the end of the institution. "

But what's more difficult? To catch Thierry or stay in front of Ott? And smiling, he told us: "The truth is that our three have a very nice fight. Everyone knows my opinion about Ott. Apart from a man I like very is also extremely fast. At absolute speed it might be faster than Thierry! However, Thierry is better off on points. Ott is 36 degrees behind and is hard to catch up. Of course, it is very fast and we have seen how many points it has accumulated in just two races. And we know it will continue at that pace. That's why I think it's open to all three of us. "With the tradition of being on the UK, Spain and Australia, is he optimistic despite the 23 points difference from Neuville? "Of course I am! There is no reason not to feel that way. It is challenging for me, I know it will not be easy, but I like it. It is not nice when you win easily, what I enjoy most is the victories that I must struggle hard to conquer. It will be a tough fight until the end of the year and I will give my best. "If he conquers and conquers it will be more important than last year when he conquered him in the first with a private team? "We are still a private team", he took care of us. "Of course, we have more support than Ford, but it remains difficult for us. I think if we do that it will be important again. For me, those titles I have conquered are beautiful and distinct. Sure, last year was special, but let us not think about it yet. We have work and a road ahead of us. "

However, in addition to today, Sebastien Ogier needs to think the next day, since it is known that his contract with M-Sport ends at the end of the year. The rumors around his name are many, while the latter want him to stop at the end of next year. He recently stated that he wants a last good contract, which was misinterpreted by many. "That's what I said! That I want a last contract, and some have translated it as last year. It could be a last contract, but lasting ten years! ", He told us laughing. "The truth is that I think the next day and we're starting to talk to the other teams. And yes, Citroen is one of them. For me, the most important of all is to have the best package available to me, which will allow me to win. We are currently struggling with M-Sport, but we are back in some areas. We need to improve and be confident that we will continue in this direction. But it's not easy! So do all the teams. We, and the others, are evolving. The truth is that I have not decided at the moment what to do. "The rumors say Citroen is pushing him to agree and Ogier does not deny it:" We are in touch and are trying very hard to attract me. It is important for them to find a leader in their team, since they have been difficult in recent years and do not want to continue to have this image. "Does he think he could fight at Hyundai? And what exactly did they say with Tommi Makinen in the media zone of the Rally Germany laughing? "Why not go to Hyundai?" Was his first reaction! Because he would not like Thierry, we fill in to get the answer: "This is not my problem," he said with a smile and continued: "On the other hand, if we wanted to talk to Tommi about our possible cooperation, sure we would not do it in front of the journalists and you would not know it ... "

But in September, Sebastien will not only compete in Turkey, but also in DTM with the Mercedes team! Is it just a participation or something more? "Now, there is nothing hiding behind. It was an opportunity presented by those who do not often appear in your career. It's a nice car and a highly competitive Championship. When Gerard Berger suggested it to me, I thought it a little knowing that it would be difficult. But I ended up losing nothing but winning. "Being a family man at the age of 35, he knows he has to do long-term plans as well. "My future will definitely include motorsport. But what I want is to calm down. Do not have so many days in a sport like today at the WRC. I am a family man, I want to see my child grow up and be the best father for it. And when you're away from home, it's hard to do that. Today, every time I leave the house becomes even more difficult. That's why I will have a future in motorsport, which will be more ... calm than today. "

Siin mainib veel, et järgmine leping on viimane (mitte viimane aasta, vaid viimane leping)
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Postitusi: 917
Liitunud: 01 Apr 2012, 16:35
Asukoht: Stockholm

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas nsa »

Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1342
Liitunud: 30 Jaan 2009, 11:07
Asukoht: Pärnu

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas Dubber »

"Õpipoisid" raja ääres, meister sõidab ...

Pilt ... 6604187648
Tehtud! Ott ja Martin on WRC meistrid!
Postitusi: 19363
Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2003, 12:43
Asukoht: Seal kus lõpeb asfalt
Has thanked: 3
Meeldimisi saanud: 22

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas Kolin »

Vaatasin m-spordi testi videot ja panin tähele, et Ogier testib jälle vana aeroga.
Man and machine against mother nature!!!
"I kneel only to god, But I don't see him here"John Abruzzi
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 11801
Liitunud: 10 Dets 2011, 18:38
Asukoht: Haabneeme
Meeldimisi saanud: 3

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas viplala »

Kui eelmistel päevadel Latvala juba testis Hispaania ralli jaoks siis täna Tänaku kord.

Second day of our @RallyRACC testing session has started. It’s @otttanak’s turn today.
Seems like #TornadoTanak needs to be changed to #ThunderTanak.
Välgu video
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1082
Liitunud: 25 Mär 2003, 13:20
Asukoht: seal kus parimad ralliteed

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas Olts »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

seal see eelviimane pilt kus vasaku tagumise ratta mees puhkab
rattaga on kah hea sõita
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 5084
Liitunud: 21 Jaan 2015, 19:26
Has thanked: 12
Meeldimisi saanud: 22

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas CTR »
Tubli G. Leheste!
Saarlasele erinevate hüüdnimede panek sai alguse 2017. aasta märtsist, kui Tänak Mehhikos tiiki sõitis ja sellega TiTänaku nime külge sai.
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 11801
Liitunud: 10 Dets 2011, 18:38
Asukoht: Haabneeme
Meeldimisi saanud: 3

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas viplala »

Nu nuh oli see vast üks korralik tiiiiik :)
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 11801
Liitunud: 10 Dets 2011, 18:38
Asukoht: Haabneeme
Meeldimisi saanud: 3

Re: Meeskonnad testiradadel

Postitus Postitas viplala »

Ogier ka täna testimas UUE AEROGA Hispaanias. Testib ka tagurpidi liikumist :) - ilmselt läheb tal seda rallil vaja ... 7691074560
Viimati muutis viplala, 10 Okt 2018, 16:06, muudetud 2 korda kokku.