Hyundai wrc

Maailma rallitippude käekäigust

Moderaatorid: Jaanus, KAIKUL, Strike, Erki, jagr

Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1634
Liitunud: 01 Veebr 2014, 14:13

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas (Jan) »

viplala kirjutas:
(Jan) kirjutas:Kas Kubica Hyundaisse??,b11frk
Ei, kohe kindlasti mitte selliste tulemustega, mis siian saavutatud WRC klassis.
Kindlasti ennem Paddon kui Kubica
Arvan ise sama.
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 2225
Liitunud: 27 Nov 2005, 15:22

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas KidrA »

Kubica puhul võib kõike juhtuda ma arvan. Hyundai võib vabalt mõelda, et Kubica on Poolas nii populaarne, et see võib nende masinate müüdavust suurendada ja näiteks võib saada Hyundai WRC masina odavamalt kätte kui Fordi M-Sportilt. Tulemuslikult ei ole temast vast keegi huvitatud ja tõenäoliselt ei hakkagi kunagi olema. Ainult sponsorid ja tema populaarsus Poolas võivad rolli mängida, millega ta sõitma hakkab tulevikus.
I järgu kommentaator
I järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 549
Liitunud: 19 Aug 2011, 13:31
Asukoht: L-E

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas Füürer »

R5-te rivi suureneb - Hyundai ehitab R5 autot. Loodavad järgmise aasta keskel stardis autot stardis näha.
Fan of MM-Motorsport & Fair Recce
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 2077
Liitunud: 02 Aug 2005, 21:50
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas jens »

Kubica vaevalt et Paddonit asendab. Pigem kaalub Kubica, millist masinat omale järgmiseks aastaks osta ja vb saab Hyundailt soodsama pakkumise (KidrA spekulatsioon). Võib ka olla, et Sordo saadetakse pensionile, Paddon kerkib Hyundai põhitiimi... Aga 3. sõitjaks peaks saama siis Abbring. Nii et ikkagi ei usu, et Kubica kedagi asendab või isegi 3. noorsõitjaks saab. Kubica on nagu Prokop - ajab n-ö oma rida.:)
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 2225
Liitunud: 27 Nov 2005, 15:22

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas KidrA »

Sordo aeg paistab käes olevat tõesti. See hooaeg on ikka nii varju jäänud kui vähegi võimalik. Neuville peaks niigi parem olema, nüüd tuleb mees metsast - Paddon ja kütab ka paremini. Hyundai asemel ma näitaks Sordole ust ja panustaks just noorematele aga Hyundai bossi sõnade kohaselt on Sordol leping veel 2016 aasta lõpuni, et ju näeme teda veel järgmise hooaja ka.
III järgu kommentaator
III järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 220
Liitunud: 07 Nov 2011, 17:37

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas rallysupportnl »

Thierry Neuville test WRC Rallye Deutschland 2015!


Click on the photo or here -->
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1537
Liitunud: 27 Mär 2003, 21:26
Meeldimisi saanud: 1

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas johunn »

Sordol avaneb kohe-kohe võimalus asfaldietappidel ennast rehabiliteerida. Kui sealt kah säravaid tulemusi ei tule, siis vast kupatatakse B-tiimi.
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1084
Liitunud: 11 Jaan 2012, 20:00

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas Lärri »

KidrA kirjutas:Sordo aeg paistab käes olevat tõesti. See hooaeg on ikka nii varju jäänud kui vähegi võimalik. Neuville peaks niigi parem olema, nüüd tuleb mees metsast - Paddon ja kütab ka paremini. Hyundai asemel ma näitaks Sordole ust ja panustaks just noorematele aga Hyundai bossi sõnade kohaselt on Sordol leping veel 2016 aasta lõpuni, et ju näeme teda veel järgmise hooaja ka.
Kui juba nii sisuka sõnavõtuga esined, siis ehk kirjeldad ka seda "see hooaeg nii varju jäänud kui vähegi võimalik". Milles see varjujäämine siis avaldub? Et Paddonil on kaks viimast rallit õnnestunud?
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 2077
Liitunud: 02 Aug 2005, 21:50
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas jens »

Sordo hakkab n-ö ajale jalgu jääma selles mõttes, et uus põlvkond kiireid sõitjaid tuleb peale. Võiks öelda, et see on tavaline evolutsioon. Meenutagem kahte eelmist aastat, kui Hirvonen enam ei esinenud endisel tasemel ja räägiti, et mees peaks kõrvale astuma. Eriti markantne põlvkondade vahetus toimus nii 2003. aasta kandis, kui suur legendaarne kaardivägi eesotsas Sainzi, C.McRae, Mäkineni ja Burnsiga hakkas Loebile, Solbergile ja Märtinile alla jääma. See on normaalne protsess, et mingil hetkel uued tegijad võtavad võimu üle.

Sordo muidugi pole veel "muldvana" (32 alles), ja asfaldil endiselt nobe. Nii et asfaldipunktidele sõitma panna tasub küll.
Postitusi: 19363
Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2003, 12:43
Asukoht: Seal kus lõpeb asfalt
Has thanked: 2
Meeldimisi saanud: 17

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas Kolin »

KidrA kirjutas:Sordo aeg paistab käes olevat tõesti. See hooaeg on ikka nii varju jäänud kui vähegi võimalik. Neuville peaks niigi parem olema, nüüd tuleb mees metsast - Paddon ja kütab ka paremini. Hyundai asemel ma näitaks Sordole ust ja panustaks just noorematele aga Hyundai bossi sõnade kohaselt on Sordol leping veel 2016 aasta lõpuni, et ju näeme teda veel järgmise hooaja ka.
Kas Sordole mitte ei pakutud lepingut ainult 10 etapiks? Aga kui järgmine hooaeg jätkab siis pigem kolmanda masina roolis. Või siis Asfaldi etappidel. Ma arvan.
Man and machine against mother nature!!!
"I kneel only to god, But I don't see him here"John Abruzzi
III järgu kommentaator
III järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 220
Liitunud: 07 Nov 2011, 17:37

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas rallysupportnl »

Dani Sordo test Rallye Deutschland 2015!


Click on the photo or here -->
III järgu kommentaator
III järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 220
Liitunud: 07 Nov 2011, 17:37

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas rallysupportnl »

VIDEO: 2016 Hyundai i20 WRC tarmac test:


Click on the photo or here -->
I järgu kommentaator
I järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 549
Liitunud: 19 Aug 2011, 13:31
Asukoht: L-E

Could Hyundai's new WRC car beat Volkswagen?

Postitus Postitas Füürer »

Could Hyundai's new WRC car beat Volkswagen?

Hyundai has already won in the World Rally Championship since returning last year, but DAVID EVANS thinks it can regularly challenge Volkswagen when a new car arrives for 2016

By David Evans

Michel Nandan raised an eyebrow. He had said that. He remembered saying that. But turning the question around a little bit has given it a slightly harder edge.

A slightly different prospect.

Hyundai's new i20 WRC wouldn't be coming until it was capable of winning rallies. Fair enough. Makes sense.

"So, confident of beating the Polos in Monte Carlo?"


But... yes.

Nandan's been around long enough, he's not about to get drawn into a specific fight. Instead: "I hope it will be ready to win. Monte Carlo is not so long away, it's tomorrow... anyway this is what we want to do. We are putting a lot of effort on the new car and the reason is to win."

Catching an earful of the conversation, Thierry Neuville jumps in.

"I'm pretty convinced it can be a Polo-beater," says the Belgian. "We have a couple of months left and we have to work hard for sure, but the feelings are very positive, this is the main thing. Even if there are many things to be changed on the car, all of this is going in the right direction."

Great. But the reality is, the new-generation i20 WRC will get to Gap in six months and face a mountain in more ways than one. Physically, there will be the dash through the Alps to the French Riviera to conquer. Metaphorically, there's the Eiger's north face (known as the Murder Wall) to take on. Base camp for this one? Hannover. Flag flying on the summit has two letters on it: W and V, not necessarily in that order.

Nandan is team principal of Hyundai's WRC assault © McKlein

Can this new Hyundai really beat Volkswagen on a regular basis?




Let's face it, I'm hardly likely to say no - what would be the point of a) me writing the rest of this column and b) you reading it?

There is a chance. A good chance. And, on the evidence of last month's test in Finland, an ever-improving chance.

Nandan's the first to admit the current car is compromised as a World Rally Car. There's not enough suspension travel at the front, the car's too high, it's too heavy and the heaviness is all in the wrong place: at the front, where it has a healthy appetite for Michelins.

The current i20, unlike its rivals, doesn't need ballast to hit the minimum weight.

And that's before we even get to the engine, which started life as a two-litre motor before being trimmed down. And compromised further.

Looking at a picture of the base i20 a few years ago, you simply wouldn't have put it down as a World Rally Car. It looked like what it was: a supermini from the Far East. And no amount of splitters, spoilers, bells and whistles were going to change that.

The new-generation i20 WRC is another story. In road-going form, it looks lovely, lower and a lot, lot more purposeful. Bolt on the extra bits and you've got an entirely different proposition.

At the current stage of the new car's development, this one too is compromised. But not for much longer.

Initially, Hyundai wanted the new car to be based on the three-door coupe version. That was binned when somebody did the maths and figured that the production run wouldn't satisfy the homologation requirement. Time for a five-door rethink. Right now, it's a bitsa.

"The front of the car is from the three-door," says Nandan, "but the rear is a bit put together in order to match the five-door. The look might change..."

Since then, she's been back in the windtunnel, smoothed over and refined.

While this car is slightly bigger in terms of dimensions, it's leaner.

The new i20 will be less of a compromise than its predecessor

This one will need ballast.

And this one comes with an engine born at the right size: 1600cc. There are high hopes for the new powerplant, the main one being that it overcomes the current car's lack of torque and shove out of slower corners.

Not that there are many slower corners around here. This is Finland, don't forget. Here it's all about power and balance.

Neuville's smiles. Boxes have been ticked.

"We don't struggle with balance in the new car," he says. "And the power is nice now - the engine's a good step."

Transmission and suspension are looking good, too. In terms of transferring engine power to four corners, the car comes with a tailored Sadev system rather than an Xtrac unit off the shelf.

And that wheel-travel issue at the front? All gone, with 20mm more on offer in the new car.

See... no compromise.

This was the car Nandan wanted from the start of Hyundai's competitive return to the world championship. It was the sight of these drawings when he first talked to the Koreans that really got him excited. Nandan, don't forget, never really wanted to run the current car. He was all about the new generation.

As this column has pointed out previously, if Skoda's Fabia S2000 was Volkswagen's tool to learn, the i20 WRC was Hyundai's. It would be easy to see the team's past 18 months and question the sense in its presence in the championship. Wouldn't it have been better to test privately before stepping up to the plate, weapons sharp, armed and ready?

Actually, no. Hyundai has learned plenty - and, don't forget, won a WRC round for the first time in its history. Nandan knew what he was getting when he signed up with the current car, and it's only those who failed to heed his conservative predictions at the top of the programme who will be disappointed. He's a realist and has been since he joined the firm.

But now comes the new beginning. Now it's time for optimism. Genuine optimism.

Hyundai scored its first WRC win in Germany last year with Thierry Neuville © XPB

When Monte Carlo 2016 rolls around, there will be no room for excuses. Granted, the team has been flat-chat making factories, building HR departments and basically doing everything from the ground up, but all of that will be forgotten when the lights go green just outside Gap on a cold Friday morning in the middle of January.

That's the time to tell if Hyundai's time and money has been well spent.

And the subject of money leads us back to a conclusion to that original question. Can this car beat the Polo R WRC?


Can Hyundai beat Volkswagen to next year's manufacturers' title?


Current technical regulations ensure that no one team's able to take a sizeable advantage over another - the rules are way too prescriptive for that (there will be rather more leeway in 2017), so a team's success comes down to the peripheral stuff rather than the hardware.

Among that peripheral stuff comes the drivers, co-drivers and budget.

Hyundai actually has more drivers and co-drivers than Volkswagen, but, no matter which way you chop it, the strike force in blue and orange simply can't hope to match the strike rate currently managed by those in blue and white.

A good (very good) and very well-managed budget ensures that Volkswagen's bases are covered for another season. Neuville and Hayden Paddon will be hustling and hassling the Polos every inch of the way through 2016, with Dani Sordo doing the same on asphalt, while Kevin Abbring levels his learning curve with the odd fastest time here and there.

The new generation will bring more wins, but the champions aren't about to be toppled just yet.
Fan of MM-Motorsport & Fair Recce
V järgu kommentaator
V järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 62
Liitunud: 20 Okt 2011, 22:03

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas evelinilves »

Hyundai ehitab ka R2 auto endale.
Rallifoorum 24/7
Rallifoorum 24/7
Postitusi: 5165
Liitunud: 11 Veebr 2010, 13:05
Asukoht: Tallinn
Has thanked: 1
Meeldimisi saanud: 2

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas Lithium »

evelinilves kirjutas:Hyundai ehitab ka R2 auto endale.
Evelin on kõik õelnud. Loodan, et lahutus pole pead segamini ajanud. :D
Postitusi: 19363
Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2003, 12:43
Asukoht: Seal kus lõpeb asfalt
Has thanked: 2
Meeldimisi saanud: 17

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas Kolin »

Hundu testib küll hoolega. Aga miks nad seinimaani pole uue i20 välja tulnud?
Man and machine against mother nature!!!
"I kneel only to god, But I don't see him here"John Abruzzi
I järgu kommentaator
I järgu kommentaator
Postitusi: 917
Liitunud: 01 Apr 2012, 16:35
Asukoht: Stockholm

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas nsa »

Kolin kirjutas:Hundu testib küll hoolega. Aga miks nad seinimaani pole uue i20 välja tulnud?
Füüreri postitusest peaksid vastuse leidma.
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Diagnoos: rallisõltlane
Postitusi: 1199
Liitunud: 17 Dets 2014, 18:35

Re: Hyundai wrc

Postitus Postitas Vahula » ... 650456033/

Natuke juttu Mikkelseniga Rally GB testil